A Problem Solving Attitude
Problems are a fact of life. This means that is a fact of all of our jobs and careers. Problem-solving is about adjusting your attitude and mindset.

How to have a problem solving attitude?
- Do Not dive headfirst to fix, fix, fix. Spend a few moments thinking about the solution first. Quick answers are important, but planning your solution will save you in the long run.
- Do Not panic, point fingers or give up.
- Take accountability. Accept the challenge. Be team-oriented and solution-minded.
- Gain Elevation by asking questions of yourself and others
- What is the cause of the problem?
- Are there other problems affecting this one?
- Has anyone else run into this problem before?
- Solve issues knowing sacrifices are necessary.
- Your time
- Shift away from your current focus/thinking
- Change in habits or processes
- Money lost
- Reap the reward of investing in your knowledge