Do you know the 5-Step Process for Quickly Finding High Potential Markets?
There are sites, old buildings needing demo and redevelopment, government tax credits, and vacant spaces available for sale or lease all over the country.
But the most important is the market they exist in.

And how do we know what the market is like?
- Define the wave of Growth. The Geographic Area and Level of Market. What is the relative size, scale, detail level, or penetration depth? Where are people leaving? Where are people going?
- Find the Competitors. Who is the market? Who isn’t in the market?
- Acquire Demographic Data. Who lives there, how many, what do they do, what are the traffic patterns?
- Understand the Jurisdiction and its processes: fees and timing.
- Calculate the Market Potential Score. Get current cost data from Local Brokers, A&E Teams, and General Contractors.